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10 Ways to Feel Great After a Workout

We all know the importance of exercise and that we should be doing some form of strength training to keep our bodies strong, prevent osteoporosis, raise endorphins and just live longer. I love working out, after all I used to be a personal trainer. How you recover after a workout is almost as important as […]

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Is Your Workout Good Enough?

I’ve always been a fan of group exercise classes and personal training. Golds Gym has always been my favorite place for a good spinning class and Equinox is by far the best when it comes to creative, fun group classes. But there is no Golds Gym or Equinox in Fort Worth so I’ve tried lots […]

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Every once in a while we all need a kick in the bum

I’m a huge fan of health coaches and personal trainers. That should be no surprise since I am a health coach and spent some amazing years as a Poliquin Strength coach. What exactly do they do and how do you know if you need one? Well, I’m a big believer that everyone can benefit  from […]

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Workout Smarter Not Longer

With summer fast approaching many of us are kicking our excercise routines a notch. This winter I wrote an article on the best supplements to help you reach your goals and hopefully you follow a real food diet free of processed fake foods. But you need to excercise, it’ll help you live longer and happier. […]

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Fitness Challenge Week 4

Three weeks down! How’s it going? I’d love to hear feedback, if you’d like me to keep posting a workout once a week so you can just look at it not have to think about what you’re going to do this week. I know sometimes it’s easier to get through a workout if you can […]

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Fitness Challenge Week 3

Day Hopefully by now you’re getting used to the Kettle Bell Swing and jump roping and this week we;ll skip the burpees since you did 100 of them last week. If you didn’t do 100 last week feel free to do them this week. Warm up: 20 air squats 20 jumping jacks 20 walking lunges […]

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Fitness Challenge Week 2

I’m dying to know how eveyone did with week one of the fitness challenge! Did you get around to doing it? What were your results? How did you feel? How much did you swing? Let me know in the comments, or message me or post on my facebook wall, anything! just tell me how you […]

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Fitness Challenge: Week 1. Again.

Last week I posted week 1 of the fitness challenge before realizing that most of you probably hadn’t had enough time to gather your equipment. So hopefully now everyone has a jumprope and a kettle bell (or non-slippery dumbell). Maybe you’ve even gotten around to watching the videos on how to properly swing a kettlebell and […]

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Fitness Challenge: Week 1

Now that you’ve gathered all of your equipment and watched all the videos I posted last week and hopefully practiced a kettle bell swing or two it’s time to start. The Challenge is going to be 6 weeks and it’s short and sweet so it can easily be included into your current routine. It’s 2 days […]

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Fitness Challenge

I’m so excited that so many of you were into the idea of doing a fitness challenge! A little friendly competition and motivation is always a great thing when it comes to fitness. Many of us, including myself, do better when there’s someone to hold us accountable and to push us harder than we would […]

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