My Crunchy First Aid Kit – for my purse!

When Annabelle was a baby I always carried around a diaper bag packed with anything and everything. As she’s gotten older the diaper bag has disappeared as we’ve needed fewer, and fewer things (I’ve learned the hard way to always keep an extra change of clothes in the car because you just never know when something might spill!).
As I’ve ventured out into carrying purses that accommodate less and backpacks (I can’t even tell you how happy I am these are fashionable now!) I’ve had to pick and choose what makes the cut. Bumps and bruises happen more nowadays to my more adventurous 4 year old then they did before so having a portable first aid kit has become important. It may not look like your average first aid kit but it’s everything we need- for now.
Here’s what’s in my crunchy first aid kit:
This homeopathic remedy works wonders for upset tummies – especially for bloated tummies and gas. Eating out doesn’t always agree with us so this is a great one to keep!
Another homeopathic remedy that’s a must have for kids that fall a lot. It works well for pain to it’s great to have on hand for a scraped bloody knee or falling of while climbing a tree! As a matter of fact it even works well for muscle and back pain.
Nux Vomica by Standard Homeopathic
Thankfully we haven’t had to use this one on my daughter yet but I keep it handy just in case. It helps relieve nausea pretty quickly.
Lavender Essential Oil by Young Living
Lavender is considered by many to be the Swiss Army Knife of oils because it’s so versatile. It works well for calming an anxious child, rubbing a little bit on a scrape can help prevent infection until you get somewhere where you can properly clean it, it helps calm spider bites- it helps with almost anything you can think of.
Stress Away Essential Oil Roll-On by Young Living
Ok so this one might be more for mommy that for baby but it’s still nice to have. Just rub a little on you earlobes, temples and neck or if you have a very anxious child you can try it on them too to help them relax. Try applying up and down the spine and on wrists for a little all natural stress relief.