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Stress Busting Foods

4 Stress-Busting Foods No matter who you are or what you do, chances are you deal with some stress in your life. Stress can make you tired, wear you out, make you moody and even cause dark circles under your eyes and wrinkles. It also lowers our immune system and makes us more prone to […]

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Let the Spring Cleaning Begin!

Spring is here and with it comes a feeling of renewal, purging, cleansing. If you’re feeling an unexplainable need to clean out your closets and de-clutter you can thank the energy that spring brings with it every year. Our closets aren’t the only things that need some spring-cleaning. Now is a great time to be […]

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3 Reasons to Stop Eating Cereal

While to the naked eye breakfast cereal may seem like a quick, healthy breakfast option there’s really not much good about them. In fact, most cereals are loaded with ingredients that have no business being eaten at all. So not only do they not provide any nutritional benefits, they might actually be making you, and […]

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Making Meditation a Part of Your Life

Meditation. It’s something I’ve wanted to incorporate into my daily life for as long as I can remember. I’ve flirted with it for years, meditating and then stopping and this summer I finally started making it a daily ritual, waking up at 5am to meditate every day. And then we moved from Oregon to California […]

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Make TODAY Healthier

Every once in a while it happens, we overindulge. Maybe it’s a date night, MNO, birthday party, or just a few days of not enough preparation. Whatever it is we all have a tendency to fall off track sometimes. The good news that getting back to your healthy ways doesn’t have to be difficult. Or […]

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Why I opted out of a Mammogram

Mammograms aren’t something that’s really on a woman’s radar when they’re in their 20’s or 30’s. We know the time will come when a doctor will send us for one and in the back of my mind I’ve known that I wouldn’t be getting one when that time came but it wasn’t something I really […]

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Make your fresh herbs last!

How many times have you bought delicious, fresh herbs only to use a tiny bit and end up tossing the rest out? Unfortunately it’s happened to me pretty often but the good news is there’s a way to keep them from going to waste. What you’ll need: Your favorite fresh herbs (rosemary, basil, parsley, mint, […]

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7 Ways to Beat a Sweet Tooth

The dreaded sweet tooth – so many of us have one and it can be oh so difficult to get rid of! Here are some of my favorite tips to help you power through your sweet tooth. Get rid of processed foods. If you can’t wrap your head around completely eliminating them at the very […]

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6 “Health” Foods that Aren’t Healthy

There are so many foods that have been hyped up as some of the best health foods when in reality they don’t make the cut. Some of them should be taken off your list completely. Find out which ones I think are most overrated. Yogurt/Dairy. The fact of the matter is that unless you’re a […]

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My Best Farmers Market Shopping Tips!

I absolutely love the farmers market! Before we moved to Portland we came up for a visit from Texas, visited the farmers market in October and I was in love. Our local farmers market in Texas probably had maybe 15 vendors on a good day; some days there were about 5. Here we have between […]

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