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Healthy Tips

Food Wars Days 3-4

Day three was quite a disaster. Annabelle woke up at 5am with a fever. No fun. Lots of drool, chubby cheeks and a fever can only mean one thing. More teeth. I think I’m going to throw a party in honor of the last tooth coming in because this is exhausting. One of the things […]

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Food Wars – Day 2

And the battle continues. I want to try to expand Annabelle’s palate a little with new foods. Or better yet, foods that she used to like and has suddenly become too picky to eat. So I pulled out one of my old breakfast favorite. Brown rice pudding. When I was single and lived in NYC […]

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Food Wars – Day One

Thursday was the first day of the our food war. All real fresh food, or nothing. I was terrified that Annabelle would either not eat anything at all and be terribly grumpy and irritated or that she’d decide she would just nurse all day instead of eating. Here’s what happened… She nursed in the morning […]

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Toddler Food Wars

Lately Annabelle and I have been going through some food wars. We’ve fallen into a rut and she doesn’t want to eat anything. Except raisins, crackers and spinach cakes. I’m pretty sure it started around the same time our breakfast wars began and it’s gotten increasingly worse, seeping into other meals. Annabelle loves pre-packaged frozen […]

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Getting rid of Ants!

This is only my second summer in Texas and I’ve got to admit, I’m not loving it! It’s hot, miserably humid, and worst of all there are an insane amount of bugs. We’ve got tarantulas walking around, wasps making nests, spiders sneaking into the house and maybe worst of all tons of ant hills all […]

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My Fox News Articles

Recently I’ve written a few articles for FOX Health News at the request of Dr. Manny Alvarez, Senior managing health editor of Fox News. Although I have posted them on my Facebook page which hopefully you follow, I haven’t posted them on my blog. Here are the links : Common Breastfeeding Myths Nourishing Diets for […]

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Choosing the right daycare

For most working moms I know the road to choosing a daycare and entrusting their child to the care of someone they hardly know is completely terrifying. There are so many questions to ask, so many things to look for and that all important gut-feeling. The whole process is heart wrenching. The process of choosing a […]

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Healthy Toddler Snacks

Recently I’ve been on a mission to put together a list of healthy, non-processed toddler snacks. I was inspired by a friend who made a New Years resolution to not feed her toddler any processed food. What a fabulous idea, why didn’t I think of that? I try to stay away from processed as much […]

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My Vitamin Chest

Vitamins and supplements are very individual and depend on a variety of factors. When I design a supplement regimen for a client some of the things I take into account are: age, sex, current deficiencies, health problems and risk factors. Dose is also dependent on the same list of factors and what you’re looking to […]

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Color your Stress Away

We all have moments of stress when the world is just overwhelming and we can’t relax and can’t let things go. Sometimes a deep breath isn’t enough to just help us relax. The last few days have been pretty intense for me emotionally we have had a lot of unexpected things happen that have taken […]

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