4th of July Recipe Round-up

It’s been a minute since my last post (I’ll give you the scoop in tomorrows post) but with a great American holiday just around the corner I thought I’d share some great recipes to keep you feeling amazing.
But first I’d like to voice my irritation that my daughters daycare is having yet another food-centered activity. They’re closed on the 4th, so they are having it tomorrow instead and they’ve asked parents to provide: finger sandwiches (eeewwww, gross lunch meat), pasta and potato salad (likely filled with canola oil mayonnaise and corn syrup), and jello (hormone filled collagen and disgusting food dye). We don’t participate in snack rotation and I bring our own treats for birthday parties so it’s no surprise that we’re skipping participating in this picnic. I really just wanted to skip the day all together so I don’t have to worry about her feeling left out because she doesn’t get to eat the same food as her friends but it’s soccer day which she loves and I have a meeting I can’t skip. So now I get to make her healthy, look alike versions of what her friends will be eating, because after all, she is 2 and doesn’t fully understand why she can’t eat the same things (besdides the fact that most of it is gross she also can’t have wheat or most pasteurized dairy). I get the food is a great communal activity and good for bonding but why oh why can’t they just let the kids bring their own food for the picnic and sing songs and play games. I understand that not everyone is as concerned with what their kids eat as I am but it just annoys me to no end that those of us who do hours and hours of research and know we don’t want our kids eating junk are always the odd ones out. People eating healthy, organic food, should be the norm. Just like the argument that buying fast food and processed food should be more expensive than healthy organic food. Anyone else going through the same feelings?
Let’s not forget that it’s summer time, it’s hot outside so we want to try to eat cooling foods. I know BBQ’s are typical summer fare and the 4th might be a great day to make an exception and grill to your hearts content but remember that too much animal protein (seafood however is a great choice since it will help keep you cool!) will have a warming affect and you’ll be sweating before you know it. Here’s a great article I wrote for Fox News on the best foods to choose to keep you cool during the summer and here’s a link to me discussing cooling summer foods on Fox and Friends (this was taped after I was on live T.V(!!) for the online after show). So if you’re making Iced Tea toss the ice and keep it room temp!
Here are some great recipes to try for a healthier 4th of July! Some are my own creations and some are from other great bloggers! Enjoy and let me know which ones you end up trying!
Millet Mashed Potatoes (Millet is a great cooling grain if you like your grains!)
Sweet Chickpeas Are a toddler favorite for snacking
Shrimp Salsa by Andrea Beaman
Salmon Salad by Andrea Beaman
Cooling Cucumber Salad by Andrea Beaman
Paleo Egg and Potato Salad by PaleOmg
A great Paleo 4th of July Roundup by Real Sustenance
Sauteed Summer fruit by Andrea Beaman